Our Vision

Changing the story // Bringing hope // Transforming lives

We are a Jesus-following community here to change the story of church decline in our area.

Our Values

  • We understand that we live in a setting where the vast majority of people don’t know Jesus. As such, we will adopt the posture, thinking, behaviours and practices of mission in order to engage others with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired written Word of God and seek to live according to the truth of Scripture.

  • We welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit, following his leading, and honouring him in all we do.

  • We will deliberately seek to bring the glory and honour that God deserves through our creative worship and the many gifts and talents that come about from being made in the image of God.

  • Without God we can do nothing. We believe in the power of prayer and will nurture our relationship with him through personal and corporate prayer.

  • Our church community is made up of people from all walks of life. We love that, and want everyone to know that they have inherent value as children of God. As a community we need to rely upon one another, be ‘real’ with one another, and commit to meeting together regularly for mutual encouragement and growth.

  • We believe we have a special calling to develop the character and capabilities of believers in order to equip them to act as the hands and feet of Jesus in our day to day life.

  • We believe in a God of freedom who wants to equip people to serve him according to how he has made them. We also believe that the things we do, and the heart with which we do them matter to God. Because of this we want to be accountable to one another for the things we do and say in all areas of our lives.

  • God is abundantly generous to us, so we want to be abundantly generous to others in terms of our attitudes and heart, but also with our time and resources.